Influence Awareness

I was driving down the Parkway listening to a book in my car. As I turned into the community, it hit me that I did not remember the last mile of my drive. I was so into the book my subconscious took over and I got to my destination safe and sound but yet not fully aware of my surroundings. In a flash of a second, I realized that I do this with things of the world too.

My intent is to be aware of what I watch, listen to, hear, etc. I want to make sure they are things of God and as Phil 4:8 says, “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think on these things”. Yet, there are times when I am on the computer and the TV is on and I am not full focused on what is showing. My ears are hearing the show, movie, music, whatever and whether I realize it or not, is effecting me. It is now in me.

I was on the elliptical a few days ago at the gym. I had my headphones in listening to a book and the TV in front of me was showing a movie (all equipment has a tv attached). I looked up at one point and realized their was a half dressed couple on the tv. I was not listening, but my eyes could see. Note that many other people were working out next to me, behind me and around me. I was embarrassed and turned the channel. Honestly, I have seen this movie before at home and not really thought anything before now. I had grown kinda numb and let it not effect me, just like my driving. It has become easy to adjust as TV, movies allow more and more language, sexual content and disrespect from kids to their parents in society.

This was the first time in a long time I felt this uncomfortable and realized I was becoming numb – letting my subconscious just lead me through the day. My heart was saddened as I could feel the brokenness of God in that moment. How easy it has become to ignore His Spirit and become desensitized to His voice and guidance. Please understand, I am not trying to throw a guilt trip out there, but as I read more and more in scripture, my eyes are opening to Truth. In turn opening my eyes to the ways of the world who is influenced by the beast, satan. The more I let in and become numb to the more I am influenced away from God.

I do not want to lose the voice of my Shepherd or His moving in my heart. So thankful He does not give up on me. He reigns me in gently with His hand and helps me to see the greater picture of His love and plan. HE even used a short drive on a road and a movie at the gym. My Gracious Savior and King loves me so much and He loves you too!

How aware are you of what is in this world? How aware are you of the things that are actually influencing you? Are you willing to make the choice to change what is influencing you if it is not of God? These are hard questions because it may require a lifestyle change. It may mean losing a friend, relationship, cause hurt, shame, reality of how dirty the heart really is. Guess what? You have a Gracious, Merciful, Loving Redeemer, Savior who loves you more than you can imagine. Let Him lead the way.


I did not mean to do it!

I wasn’t really thinking.

It has just become a habit.

I will try not to do it again.

These words fall off my tongue,

words that seem to be sung

habitually over and over

until the guilt and conviction are done.

I am sorry I hurt your feelings.

I am sorry I disobeyed you.

Maybe I am just sorry I got caught

knowing it goes against what you taught.

Again these words fall off my tongue,

words that seem to be sung

habitually over and over

until the guilt and conviction are done.

I want to change from just words to actions

moving forward instead of backwards.

I no longer want to live this con,

help me make my excuses be gone?

I promise to change, knowing you will forgive.

But it is so hard and I am addicted

to the lies, deceit the wrong road ahead.

Can you turn this heart that has been misled?

Bowing on my knees, this pray falls of my tongue

new words needing to be sung.

Humbly, heartfelt and true,

please make this girl new.

I arise spotless and free,

He has redeemed and changed me.

No longer running from conviction and guilt,

because this heart and life has been rebuilt.

Mindy Scott