Choosing To Serve Self Or God MRI dilemma & Prayer requests

Last week started with much frustration over the insurance taking so long to approve a followup MRI. Come to find out it was not submitted as urgent, which should have been comforting, but still getting antsy and wanting it to get done so I (notice the focus here) would have proof all was still good!  I started going back and Forth between the imaging center and the insurance as if I was in control! reading through the Psalms from the precept class, God reminded me through Davids songs, that He is in control of my days ( this means hours, minutes and seconds). If I had waited, things would have still happened by my next appt, on the 31st and most likely I would have had more peace! Faith was easy when going into surgery, I would not be awake. I knew and believed God had all in His hands. While reading a bible plan, The authors’ comment was the perfect reminder of what I needed to hear:  ” we want or (Need for me) to be reminded that we can choose to set our mind on God or we can choose to set our mind on self. If we awaken and allow our thoughts to be consumed by self or with our circumstances, what will we feel in the end? Discouraged! By contrast, if we choose to pray and seek the Lord instead, there can be peace, hope, and renewal.
Remember, you can choose each day whom you will serve. And though it will take a moment-by-moment reorienting of your mind throughout your day, this choice begins first thing in the morning. So as you enter into this daily choice, trust in the One who created the new day and you. He will provide the grace you need to make each new day His.”
Choosing each day God or self bible plan by Thistlebend Ministries
Last Friday’s dilemma: now, post-MRI, I was charged $3,693.00 for the MRI that should have at most been $500.00 with insurance. curious if I had stayed out of the perceived control seat would it have all worked out as it was supposed to for I would have been more at peace then so determined to have it my way. I have realized with the new normal, I get anxious when I don’t stop, pray and listen and try to do myself. Even yesterday, after arriving in TX, I was trying to take care of something and began feeling anxious, as it was not working. Stopping to pray and reminding self that God already knew this was going to happen settled my heart down and in the moment I went back to try again, all worked out with no issues and God brought back to memory what went wrong. Even with all the things I forgot to bring with me to Texas, this one little thing I forgot to do and made a big difference, He brought to my memory and after correcting the number, it was all fine including no more panic moments.
Question: What is causing you to panic today? Have you started your day before God or jumping into the anxiety satan throws your way? Where are you focusing now?
STOP!!! Take a moment and commune with God right now. Let His peace, that passes all understand you consume you, guide you, encourage you and lift your eyes to Him.
Prayer Requests:
1. Please pray for my dad, Joe Bledsoe as he continues to battle lymphoma: He is taking the Red Devil Chemo Cocktail and it wears him out.
2. Please pray for a friend of mine who is struggling as her daughter was diagnosed with a rare disease and they are having to travel to NYC for the surgery from AZ. Her blog site is for updates and full details. Please pray for them as they walk this road.
3. All the caregivers of those who are sick as this is a tough job. My husband, who is extremely busy still is dealing with a $26,000 radiation bill, Ambetter said they would pay last year and still has not. Please pray for favor with Ambetter to get this taken care of as he is worn out with that group and now is helping me deal with the MRI situation from last week to get our money back. My husband is amazing and God so has him at peace. Please pray for strength, wisdom, discernment, and favor with the insurance company to get this completed. We know God has all of this in His Mighty hands and we continually set Him before us in faith. It is so easy to get weary. Pray for massive strength, please.
4. Please continue to pray for me as Satan is trying to wear me down feeling defeated because at 44 I hate that I can’t remember the simple things and feel like I have to be reminded, monitored just to get MRI’s done, and many days want to just give up. I Know this is not of the King, my Father, Jesus, wants me to believe. Pray for protection over my mind, heart and continued to Believe in His word versus the lies of Satan.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and thoughts during the never-ending adjustments to my new normal.
Blessings over you all and may God make His face to shine upon you today.