Prayer request 4-24-18

This past treatment really had more of an effect on me than anything so far. The second week of each month is when I have treatment and it took about a week for me to recover from the last dosage. Now, this week I am just weary. Not something I am used to but recognize the effect and reality of how chemo accumulates over time and will take a toll on my body. Here are specific prayer requests for this week and to follow.

  1.  for strength and energy as I do have doctor appts this week and with the teacher walk out, we have our kids home all day Thursday and Friday. They have all been troopers as I have had the minimal energy this week.
  2. Please Pray for us as we see the Dr. next week and he determines the next level of dosage for his wisdom and discernment.
  3. for my body to stay healthy, I had another UTI (as the Epsom salt baths are the only thing that helps me relax and that is what is causing the infection. Per research, this is very common for chemo patients but is not fun in any way. Please pray for healing for my body in the small infections as well as the tumor to be gone.
  4. Please pray for my mother as she prepares to come out here and help May 9-19 so that I can have help while going through the next round of chemo, I won’t be able to drive as much due to the fog brain; she is going to help with breakfast, driving and anything else we need. For her strength, my dad while she is away and safe travels.
  5. Plese, pray for my mind to stay focused on God and my eyes upwards as well as rest, sleep and appetite (that is starting to wane a little bit and I don’t really want to lose any more weight if possible).
  6. Others in need of prayer:  Please continue to pray for Shannon Lude as she is doing another treatment starting tomorrow: Pray for successful treatment, healing and for God to surround her with encouragement. Please continue to pray for Sara and Mike Stevens and his recovery; Please pray for Julie Keim – miraculous healing of tumor the doctors cannot get to right now but causes lots of pain.  Please pray for Zach and Christine Jones as he recovers from an illness that left him paralyzed right after he moved to Alaska where he is stationed. Pray for him to be strengthened, He is a believer so for his faith to remain strong during these days.

thank you all again for your constant prayers and encouragement. This is the point where it really gets tough. It has been somewhat easy (or as easy as I can imagine but goin forward is the battle to remain positive and encouraged. You all have helped and I am so very grateful for your prayers, love, and encouragements). Blessings, with love, Mindy

Do You Know Christ?

One thing I have learned from going through brain cancer is I wasted too much of my life being petty, judgmental, lazy or worried about offending other people or fear I would not explain it correctly. No fear today as I would rather shout from the rooftops so all could know Christ!!!   (I have been called fanatical, “the good girl” and probably more; Many of you who have followed me, know me from growing up or attended a bible study through CSV, maybe heard me speak once somewhere, regardless of how you know me Christians or non-Christians. please make the time to watch this video. This is my first time to fully watch one of JD’s updates and it can be a lot; none of us know when Jesus is coming back so each day we r to continue sharing with our neighbors. If the prophecy part is hard for you to follow, please speed up to the one hour mark and listen until the end. This particular part is the most important information for any of us. I do believe in Jesus Christ and want you to as well. I would like to live in heaven with you for eternity as we sing, celebrate (no tears, no pain, no fear. Only filled with joy, peace and totally whole physically- which means no hole in my brain anymore. ). Why would you not want this eternal life? The other option is hell, where there will be eternal burning, torment, and utter sadness.  Whether you believe in any of this at this very moment or not, you can still call on Jesus! (What do you really have to lose?) Heaven, with Jesus or Hell, with the devil? I am choosing Jesus. I pray you will listen and pray. there is hope! Don’t walk away, please.

april chemo week

tonight i start the upped dosage at 300 of chemo tbrough Friday.  here are our specific prayer requests;

1. sleep as i am so tired; my body has been waking me up anytime between 2-5 am to go to the bathroom and i just lay there, can’t get back to sleep

2. any relief from base of skull, neck and shoulder pain. very tight and sore from sleeping on my side each night

3. limited side effects so i can still get up, eat with family, meet for discipleships and make dinner for family.

4. get in to see my regular doctor and find something that will help me take naps without making me too groggy. at this point i will take an hour nap.

Thank you you again for your prayers, encouragement and help!! Much love and gratitude.


mindy Scott

Best Description of Frontal Lobe Trauma Effects

My sister-in-law, Rachel HagEstad helped me out last weekend, while we were laying by her pool, to understand why I was having a hard time looking at people while talking with them which led me to research issues after any kind of frontal lobe trauma.  It takes a lot of my brain to hear but also a lot to process what I see and since I really can only process 1 thing at a time, so I look away while talking to focus on what I am saying as when I look at someone’s eyes, I lose my train of thought  The article following this paragraph explains perfectly how my brain is functioning as well as some emotions, actions, conversation, and behaviors. the description of the soldiers is spot on and Daniel even said that is exactly what it is like. Here is one of the most accurate looks into where my life is except that God is providing and healing me beyond any expectation of doctors. I am running and working my way back to my 8 1/2 minute mile – goal by the end of the year. I try to have things going on around me while making myself focus on the priority while tuning out what is not the most important. It creates headaches at times but gets better week to week. a

Thank you so much for your prayers, constant encouragement as these are two things that keep me positive, focused on God and the Light He keeps asking me to be!. We are called to persevere as we walk this life to eventually be home with Christ. He is the only One who can sustain us, Carry us in, by or through any trials we face. A trial is a trial no matter the degree of difficulty, Perspective has helped me as it could always be worse and since God still has me here, on earth, I still have a call to encourage, disciple, and shine bright in this world until He takes me home. Hang in there friends, family, sisters and brothers in Christ. We still have a road ahead  Ephesians 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Keep doing good works family of God.

Next weeks treatment

met with Dr.P today and dosage is only going to 300 vs 340 and I am happy. Had a little fatigue and post chemo reaction at 250 in April so he decided to go in between and see how I will do before hiking it up to 340. i remember the strong fog brain last month and glad to see how my body will take each dosage as we go. please continue praying for minimal reaction, not so that I don’t have to experience any inconvenience, but rather i can continue helping out around the house, excercise helps me have a better attitude overall and keep up with girls games, activities, etc. i know the Omniscient God has gone before me and secured my days no matter what comes. sometimes we ask for prayer s not to go through things we don’t want to be put out, ache or deal with side effects. what we are yo stay focused on is. even if i have to go through this yuckyness God, i WILL choose to praise You and believe You are holding onto me no matter which direction it goes. If I must endure physical side effects I will still rise and praise Your Name for You alone are God Almighty who is Good, Holy, Righteous and Faithful for that is Your character and You will not go against Your character.