Mother of Confidence not Condemnation

Being a mom is not easy. Actually it is the hardest job I have ever held. Yesterday we celebrated Mother’s across the world. I loved seeing pictures of moms and their children all over Facebook. Husbands praising their wives for all they do and have done. A thought came to me though, as I looked into the faces and eyes of these mothers. Have they ever thought, I am not good enough mother and do not do enough for my children? Look at all these families complimenting each other, posting pictures all looking perfect and telling us all about their adventures. I am happy just to get up in the morning, feed my kids and make it through the day with all of us alive, dressed, fed and in one piece.

Have you ever felt like maybe you don’t deserve to be celebrated on Mother’s Day? Failure looms over your head remembering the times you yelled at one of your children, forgot a celebration or lacked patience during a story your child wanted to share. Maybe you even feel like a bad mom because you don’t have the best things for your children compared to the mom up the street. Most likely one of these or other situations are coming to mind. In today’s world, we have been pressured with a high expectation to be all for our kids. Be there EVERY second no matter what and meet EVERY need.

The problem with this: It Is IMPOSSIBLE

We will never be able to meet all of our kids needs. Because of this expectation, condemnation tightens around our neck strangling any bit of confidence. You see, our job is to love, teach, serve and equip our children so they will learn each of these and take them forward to college, marriage, work and family life. If we cater to every need until they leave the house, we have failed them. We, as mothers, are called to nurture and love our children along with equipping them for the future to stand on their own feet.

What happens is Mother’s Day becomes a dread because we compare ourselves to the moms who we think are perfect and wallow in our own self-pity of imperfection. Nowhere does God tell me I am perfect and have it all together. Actually, it’s the exact opposite Romans 3:12 All have turned away; they have together become worthless; there is no one who does good, not even one. I am not perfect and never will be. BUT, Jesus alone has made me holy, righteous and gives me the strength to be patient, loving, gentle, kind, filled with joy and peace towards my children (Galatians 5:22).

I am able to trade my fear of being a bad mom before the throne of God and become a confident, strong mom trusting in God’s promise of provision.

Today, Amazing Mother, the Lord will equip you to be the best Mother to your children when you sit before Him and let Him fill you. God has blessed you with your children. Let’s take all the comparisons, judgments, the feelings of condemnation and lay them at Jesus’ feet. May you be reminded God designed you, equips you and loves you regardless of the mess-ups, that WILL happen. May you also reminded you each morning you wake up that you are loved and have God’s power to be the mom He designed you to be from the beginning of time.

On this new morning, filled with new opportunities, trade condemnation for confidence. Start your day receiving God’s  grace & strength to be the best mother to your children. Love your children by God’s power and let Him guide you each step of the way. You are a MOM, one of the greatest gifts you’ve been given. Go and be confident!

Wake Up Like David


But David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with sword and spear and javelin; but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. This very day the LORD will deliver you into my hand.’ (1 Samuel 17:45-46)

It was on November 1, 2007 (my sons 5th birthday) as I was packing to move to Arizona, the next day, when my mother walked upstairs telling me to call one of my closest friends. She would not tell me what happened but I sensed it was bad. I called right then and with a slow broken voice she said, “Mindy, my father died today.” Her dad was young and like a father to me. My heart melted for his family. I immediately went to the hospital and saw her mother. We hugged and she told me how proud this man had been of me. I cried and held on to her for as long as I could. My father, friend of the family too, stood beside me the whole time. I grabbed him next and cried avoiding the reality of this type of phone call as I was moving to AZ that week.

Five days later, the church was filled with NFL football players, professional baseball players, other sports team players, family friends, co-workers, friends of their children and the largest attended funeral I have ever been to. These giants of men, wept, as some testified to the impact this man of God had on their lives. Each of his children stood up and shared about the example their father was and influence he had in their lives. Every testimony given that day shared how he lived consistently, passionately and with integrity for the Lord. He was not only a chaplain to these professional sports teams, but also to a plumbing company, mentored men, taught Sunday School, devoted to his wife and loved her passionately, loved his children and grandchildren, served at his church and fought the daily battle knowing the Lord was on his side. He trusted and believed the Lord of Hosts was with him each and every day.

            O LORD God of Heaven’s Armies! Where is there anyone

            as mighty as you, O LORD? You are entirely faithful.  (Psalm 89:8)

David awoke and walked out, in confidence to fight Goliath. David had stones while Goliath had a large sword and a shield. David’s confidence came because he had the Lord of Hosts on his side, not because of the stones. He knew he would not lose. My friend’s father walked into each day the same way. His giants may not have been 9 ft tall, like David’s, but they were men trained to rage on the field and defend their titles. They are men who are giants to us as we watch them compete brutally to win every week on TV. They are skilled and trained at what they do. Yet, this man could walk up to them with the strength of a lion and speak to their hearts because He knew who was with him and for them. The Lord of Hosts, the God of Angel Armies was on his side and wanted these men to know God was for them too.

We all face 9ft giants daily. They look different for each of us. Maybe they are more like mine; the daily routines, fears and lies from the world. Some of yours might be health issues, job related or finances but we all have our giants. We do not have to fight them alone. We have the Lord, the God of Heaven’s Armies on our side. We can start each day walking in confidence knowing God is with us and for us. In Ephesians 6, Paul tells us to put on the armor of the Lord. Not only is He with us, but He covers us in His power and attire. He does not leave us to battle the 9ft giants alone.

My friend’s father was not a big man, yet he met with giants of men every day. Sharing with them about the hope of Christ and without fear. He would walk into a room of NFL football players, MLB players, tough plumbers and students seeing children of the King. He did not run in fear, but walked in confidence that his Lord and Savior had already gone before him each step he took. His passion and belief in God was so real and I knew it because I saw it in him.

When we pray to “The Lord of Hosts” YAHWEH TSEBAOTH (yah-WEH tse-ba-OATH), we are praying to a God so magnificent that all creation serves its purpose.” (Ann Spangler The Names of God) God IS greater than anything and anyone else. No other comes close to comparing to God.

I know, per scripture I read, that God fights for me and His angels surround me every day. Yet I fall distracted by my own inadequacies, letting fear step in telling me I can’t handle what lies ahead. God gently reminds me, Mindy, I am the Lord of Hosts. Begin each day in confidence knowing I and my armies are with you. You don’t have to fight the battles alone, I will fight them for you. Keep your eyes on me.

Right now, you can recognize the Lord of Hosts and know He is on your side walking with you, before you and behind you. You do not have to live in fear of your 9ft giants anymore. Do you want to live in this freedom and promise? Cry out to God now! Let Him know you desire a relationship with Him this very moment. Tell Jesus you are sorry for your sins and want Him to forgive you. Accept His forgiveness and grab a hold of your Savior’s hand and live in the confidence that you are set free. Every time you begin to feel like the 9ft giant is trying to step in and knock you down, pick up God’s word (rock of Truth) and tell the devil you have the Lord of Hosts on your side and will not be defeated. Stand in confidence this day, no longer waking up afraid for what the day holds because you…